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Tingle's Facebook account and website confirmed that Jon is his son and that Tingle has Asperger syndrome. Jon stated that he edits his father's work for publication and provides day-to-day care for him. Jon also said that his father has schizophrenia, but Tingle has stated this is not true on multiple occasions. In 2016, a person presenting as Tingle's son Jon stated in a Reddit 'Ask Me Anything' session that Tingle is an autistic savant. A photo presented as a portrait of Tingle was found on a stock photo web site. Tingle presents himself as a taekwondo grandmaster from Billings, Montana, who acquired a PhD in holistic massage at DeVry University (which does not offer such a degree). He claims to have been born in Home of Truth, Utah, a small isolated southern Utah ghost town established in 1933 as a religious commune and abandoned in 1977. Little has been confirmed about Tingle's identity, beyond the fact that the name 'Chuck Tingle' is a pseudonym.

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