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Led by the Malian terrorist Iyad Ag Ghaly, a former leader of the Ansar Dine Islamists, the group has claimed multiple attacks on domestic and foreign forces since its formation, notably the 12,000-member MINUSMA UN force. The Group to Support Islam and Muslims, also known as Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen in Arabic, a fusion of three terrorist groups with previous Al Qaida links formed in March, claimed that attack. Northern Mali continues to fall prey to terrorist attacks with four people having died in an assault on UN peacekeepers near their base in Kidal earlier this month. The terrorists left with military hostages.”Īn army source confirmed the attack to AFP without giving any details. All the camp’s military material was ransacked,” he added.Ī resident added that “there are no Malian soldiers to be seen - the camp has been laid waste. “At least two soldiers were killed and many others were abducted. “Around five o’clock, the terrorists attacked the military camp at Bintagoungou,” some 80 kilometres from Timbuktu, the official said. BAMAKO: Two soldiers were killed and others abducted Saturday after terrorists attacked a military base in northern Mali, a local official and a resident told AFP.

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